Saturday 7 March 2009

Email from Nikolai

Just got an email from John. He's in Nikolai alive and well and feeling strong.
He says he's just going to eat lots and dry out his clothes before he heads off for the last stint to McGraph. Apparently its -30 out, which even the locals say is cold! He says it's a minimum of a 12 hour push to the finish.

He's been riding with Alec Petro - and trying to keep safe.

He thinks that James might have got lost along with Chris Wrobel as they were both ahead, but John and Alec didn't pass them on the trail. They have probably just taken a wrong turn somewhere on the way. I'm sure Kathi will post some news soon.


Anonymous said...

Ace keep it up Shaggy. Cheers for the info on James. I've passed it onto his best man to pass onto his wife.

G as in Chris said...

Well done Shaggy!

And Mel, I hope your nerves are holding up.

Hugs to both of you.


Dean said...

/hit refresh/flick ineffectually through book/swig bourbon/repeat/

Endurance spectating is tough! ;^)

Hoping you're almost there John, a sublime effort.

Hugs, Mel!