Monday 2 August 2010


14:20 one way. Head fine, legs and camera dead. Getting a lift home.

Posted via email from shaggy's posterous


dRjON said...

mel en route....i would anticipate her being there 12 ish....see you soon mon brave!

Trail_rat said...

you thought youd have a go too

what did you think about it ?

having another go ?

Trail_rat said...

only just done the math - it seems i made my attempt on the friday before you , got to the rannoch moor in 13 hrs before deciding i didnt really fancy riding any more was uber beat up on the hardtain with the skinnys.

I chose the wrong bike for a start and trying to be self sufficient was my downfall - and my saving grace - ended up pitching my bivy sack at the campsite back at bridge of orchy for the train.

Good effort none the less from you