Wednesday 4 February 2009

Less than a month until the start now...

I’m glad I feel like I’m almost ready. There is still a lot to sort out though. Drop bags is the next big one. Biffa dropped a load of Mule Bars round the other day which will make up fair part of it. I’ve been doing lots of sums, for example:
10,000 kCal per day? 8 days? 221 kCal per Mule Bar. That’s 362 bars, or 23.5 kg…


Don’t worry, I’m not just taking bars. My trailmix “recipe” has also come on a long way and I’ve got another few things to add. I've still got to work out what food to take that I can cook. Decisions, decisions.


paul.e said...

23.5kg just in bars!!!

Along with the rest of your kit be prepared to be violated by excess baggage charges.. pray they are gentle with you.

Gonna be a hell of a trip


Shaggy said...

to be fair I'll probably carry 8000kCal per day and I get 2 drop bags so I wont have to carry nearly that much. Scary when you look at the totals though!

paul.e said...

Have you checked out winter training fuel from allsports international??? designed for long winter rides to replace solid food to an extent... you might have just enough time to try some out and it might be a nice way of getting some extra calories in...

badger dave said...

What are you doing by way of recording the trip? obviously a pencil, paper and a camera aren't going to be top of your list but i imagine it'd be interesting to see your thoughts at the time and then afterwards in retrospect?

sobonty said...

You are quite mad, Shaggy... :)

But best of luck - it's going to be a ride to remember!

Steve J Makin said...

I hope you have read the kids piece in STW, makes some very good points


Shaggy said...

Cheers for tip Paul- never seen that!
Dave: I'll be writing up the race in Singletrack and The Ride.
Steve: not yet... The thing he did at the time was good though, will read the new article tonight.